Pokemon X and Y: Mega Evolutions (Updated)

On the official Pokemon X and Y site, they revealed Mega Evolutions for, as of now, 3 pokemon. In the upcoming games, Lucario, Mewtwo, and Blaziken will be able to achieve another evolution while in battle. If the three above pokemon are holding a megastone while in battle they will be able to temporarily transform with increased stats for the duration of the battle; turning back to their normal form when the battle is over.

There are also mega evolutions for Absol, Mawile, and Ampharos. Making the total number 6.

They have now revealed mega evolutions for the original three starters’ final forms -Charizard, Blastoise, and Venusaur. 


On top of that, what people believed to be a new evolution for Mewtwo is actually its Mega evolution.


Along with the news was a video showing these evolutions in action, never before seen pokemon and a special event announcement. On October 12, 2013, people will be able to get a Torchic (first evolution of Blaziken) holding a mega stone. This promotion is only going to run for a short time and the mega stone needed for Blaziken is not available in normal gameplay. 

I am excited for the game overall and the chance to get one of my favorite starters but the whole mega evolution thing sounds kind of silly. Maybe if they just had it for Mewtwo it would be a cool thing but having it for what seems to be 3 random pokemon sounds strange. You have 1 legendary, 1 pseudo-legendary, and a random starter as the three chosen for the Mega evolutions.

Does this mega evolution thing sound cool to you? Which version of the upcoming games are you getting? 

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